The purpose of a gluten-free and grain-free diet are widely unknown and many have difficulty with gluten in general, celiac or not. There are numerous questions many people still do not understand about their body and gluten. Turbin created the book “Why go Grain-Free on the Paleo Gluten-Free Diet” to help those in a quandary and struggling. Turbin and her publisher were extremely pleased to be approached by a top Professor asking to establish her works as a key gluten educational tool in the university and it’s programs. Turbin’s title, Why go Grain-Free on the Paleo Gluten-Free Diet” is now in publication and available in Arabic translation.
With Arabic being the 6th largest spoken language in the world, this translation allows a new education tool to be available to a greater number of students and people, giving them the opportunity to finally understand this subject easily. This supports and perpetuates Turbin’s endeavors to support others with knowledge enabling them to take their health into their own hands. Tina says, “Being armed with knowledge and applicable truthful education is really key to life’s betterment. I am honored and undeniably proud to be involved in the expansion of my title.”
Read more fine details about the University, title and the professor here:
If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com