Simple Paleo Sandwich Bread Idea

Simple Paleo Sandwich Bread Idea

Many people are always looking for that magic Paleo bread recipe, like this simple paleo sandwich bread idea, and while I have to admit I do make a number of darn good bread recipes, all terribly easy no matter what, I must share a little secret.

Paleo cooks seem to learn to make Paleo pancakes early on. If you did not, go to my Paleo pancake recipe and that should help you. I loved them, still do and yes they are the easiest ones to whip up any time of day or night. I make them for breakfast, snacks and even at night with melted butter and a killer cinnamon concoction to satisfy that late night “movie accompaniment”, I cannot shake my inner haunting thoughts away from. If you do not have those nostalgic movie-food cravings, I am totally jealous.

The kitchen trick here is multi-tasking and as a result saving time. Now who doesn’t like to do that?! If you can make a pancake, then you can easily use your recipe to make pancakes and save them as future paleo bread slices. You just need to alter your technique a bit and maybe add a touch more of this and that to get a little more “texture”, to get it to hold a bit more.

I am not saying this is the paleo bread of your dreams but I am saying this is a simple way to get a pancake to help you acquire some extra ‘slices” for later on or future days to make that multi-layered whopper sandwich you see in the picture above, and more or even better. The inside is all up to you and your wildest dreams. When it comes to MY paleo sandwich, watch out!

I am all about flavor, texture and as many different tastes I can get into each bite that all mix and dance in harmony in my mouth. Wow, making me hungry right now!

Above I added, vine ripened tomatoes, a very little bit of horseradish mixed into my tuna salad, romaine lettuce, two bacon pieces (yep bacon!) and then more fat – I added some garlic dill spread (like a mayo). I am not afraid of fats and actually do very well with fats as most of us on paleo or keto who understand the benefits of good fats. I did not toast this ‘bread”, but sometimes I do ever so slightly. The pancake version of bread does not hold as well once toasted, but if I do toast it I serve with a fork and sharp knife. It is then one classy act of yum!

There is no special trick to the preparation of the pancake, just a little side hint to help you out so you can have a snack right now, as long as you know how to make pancakes. If you do not, go to my paleo pancake recipes and that should help you.

NOTE: You can do this to that last cup of batter you have left from your pancakes. Don’t have any left over? Well make more or make extra from the get-go.

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Paleo Pancake Sandwich

Simple Paleo Sandwich Bread Idea

  • Author: Tina Turbin


I’ve created many paleo bread recipes that are actual bread loaves and quick breads, but this recipe is without a doubt very easy and everyone in our house and all our friends love these and eat them all the time. Busy women, men and children also love to make these. They are easy and fast to make.


  • My paleo pancake recipe version 1 or version 2 – leave 1 – 1-1/2 cups extra batter, or use your own pancake recipe.
  • Add one more whisked egg at room temperature.
  • Add 34 tablespoons more almond or chestnut flour.
  • Add a 1/2 teaspoon of ground flax or a touch of ground flax seed
  • 1/8 teaspoon more baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon more vinegar
  • Any small seed for texture if you’d like – for “bready” feel


  1. Mix all ingredients together with pancake batter.
  2. Be sure that your batter is a bit thicker and not too runny.
  3. Grease pan with sufficient coconut oil.
  4. Allow oil to melt.
  5. Get pan good and hot.
  6. Place a heaping 3-4 tablespoons on the hot oiled pan.
  7. Try and add each tablespoon to the middle so the pancake does not spread.
  8. You are trying to keep it shaped and thicker so it will later slice in half for two pieces of bread.
  9. Turn heat down.
  10. Flip once it is cooking well through at least the middle.
  11. Again, keep it shaped and the size you want for your “bread” slices.
  12. Take off once cooked throughout. Let cool.
  13. Start over with another HOT pan or this will not work.
  14. Place in freezer in air tight bag or fridge to cool.
  15. They freeze beautifully.
  16. Slice in ½ and use as your last minute breads.
  17. No one will know, and your taste buds will love you.
  18. Enjoy!


You can do this to that last cup of batter you have left from your pancakes. Don’t have any left over? Well make more or make extra from the get-go.

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.