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Phat Fudge and Bulletproof on Steroids

Phat Fudge, Bulletproof on Steroids!

  • Author: Tina Turbin


With Valentine’s day in the air and Phat Fudge on my mind, I decided to play in my kitchen and come up with a BOOSTER Phat Fudge that can be enjoyed as a fudge or one you can drop it right into your coffee and blender, and Voilà! You got it – a Phat Fudge Bulletproof on Steroids.




  1. Over low heat, place in your saucepan the oil, coconut butter, and tahini whisking constantly.
  2. Stir in cacao, turmeric, cinnamon, maca, vanilla, and collagen peptides until smooth.
  3. Turn off heat.
  4. Place all this in your blender or Vitamixer.
  5. Blend all ingredients together well.
  6. Add the optional coffee grounds and blend until incorporated.
  7. Pour into silicone trays, with shapes of your own choice.
  8. Freeze for 2 hours or until completely set.
  9. Pop them out of the trays and store some and eat some. 🙂
  10. Enjoy!


Pop them in your coffee in the morning for an adapted BulletProof. 🙂

You may substitute MCT oil or more coconut oil for the XCT or Brain Octane, or ghee like Mary does.

You may store these in your refrigerator or freezer.

Adapted from Mary, The Paleo Chef.

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Tina Turbin

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