Paleo Sugar Free Cookies

Paleo Sugar Free Cookies

These cookies are made with wholesome, clean ingredients; you almost feel like you’re eating something good for you while being bad! This recipe makes approximately 20 paleo sugar free cookies, but watch out—they’ll go fast.  I highly advise making extras of these paleo treats.

By the way, have you ever noticed how crazy kids get when they eat sugar? If only parents knew how easy it was to make delicious sugar-free alternatives to our favorite staples like these cookies!  In the mood for chocolate chip cookies, too? Check out this Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe while you’re at it!

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Paleo Sugar Free Cookies

  • Author: Tina Turbin


These cookies are made with wholesome, natural ingredients; you almost feel like you’re eating something good for you while being bad! This recipe yields approximately 20 cookies, but watch out—they’ll go fast, so be sure to make extra!


  • ½ cup nut butter (almond and/or cashew work the best)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (vanilla extract or orange zest works too)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 4 packets of Truvia (or sweeten to taste using erythritol or other sweetener)
  • 4 heaping teaspoons of unsweetened dried shredded coconut
  • Dark chocolate chips (as many as you prefer)


  1. Preheat oven to 325F degrees.
  2. Mix the nut butter, lemon juice, eggs and butter together in one bowl.
  3. In another bowl mix the baking soda, sweetener and coconut together.
  4. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix together (do not overmix).
  5. Add the desired amount of chocolate chips.
  6. Scoop heaping teaspoons of cookie dough and drop onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet.
  7. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
  8. Enjoy!

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

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