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Paleo Healthy Dried Apricots

Paleo Healthy Dried Apricots

I have a love for the garden and now I have my own organic garden to satisfy my paleo urges. This year is our first season with our own apricots. They are falling right and left and not only did I make Paleo Peach and Apricot ice cream, I now decided to make my own paleo healthy dried apricots, sugar-free. Your blood sugar will thank you! Also, check out some other favorite fruit dishes.

I still cannot and we all should not really eat too many of these as the sugar content is quite high. Dehydrating is zapping out the moisture but preserving the shelf life too. They sure taste like the best candy nature can give. Dried apricots are my absolute favorite.

When I was in junior high I read my first story about centenarians living past 100 years and many living high up in the Himalayas. They had photos of these beautiful dark skinned healthy people walking along this “to me” near death experience road, just a few inches wide, carrying big baskets on their heads, and drying their apricots on the roof tops. That was very impressive to me then and even now.

My mom had fresh and dried fruits around when I was a young teen, so sugar was not an option in my home at that point. It sure was soon after that when I found out about chocolate and candy during the hormone stages of my life, even though I became a lover of apricots and at that tender age I was thinking of health and longevity after reading about these far-away people that had now touched my life through a book. I was fortunate as my mom was already the oddball back in those days, and into healthy living and eating carob and protein snacks. My friends’ parents never even heard of Carob (Carob is not technically paleo).

Living a high quality and naturally active life is what paleo is about. I have to chuckle at those who mock my interest in eating healthy, grain-free and legume-free. As I am celiac (auto-immune) I have to stay off gluten anyway unless I want to feel like absolute crap for over a week, drop about 5 pounds and look like a war victim left out in the fields. Being paleo has turned my life around even after being off all gluten for nearly 8 years before paleo. Paleo has enabled me to hike for miles in the heat without ever tiring, swim miles for “fun” and get more energy from it, ride a bike for hours, have unlimited energy and stable energy at that and wanting more.  I have to attribute this to the paleo diet and my understanding and application of the lifestyle. My biggest fault is staying up way too late at night working. I love what I do!

I never feel ill will towards someone who does not “get it” and tries to badger me about being paleo or challenge the subject, or even challenging me on being a diagnosed celiac (with two kids diagnosed celiac). I usually find it is the very unhealthy people or ones wishing they felt or looked as healthy as others and I do, who are Paleo, that badger or challenge the subject. It is rather amusing to be honest.

I watch others who do not feel well on an almost daily basis, whose energy ebbs and flows greatly, who have all sorts of hormonal problems, headaches, migraines, thyroid removed, female organs cut into or removed, heart or cholesterol problems. It is never just one issue or ailment. It is usually a package that is growing and growing as the months or years accumulate. Is this aging and what is to be expected? I think not. I do understand paleo quite well and I am always gaining more understanding, always learning more and witnessing the “aging” myth turn around before my very eyes.

I have seen what others may call miracles resulting in their health, mental and energy problems resolved. Life is in each of our hands to make our body and this life the best, the worst or the mediocre. I choose to have a blast to the very end and I cannot do this being self-righteous and eating Twinkies and Cokes nor by feeling paleo is the only way to live eat and breathe. What you place in your mouth is a personal decision and how much you move daily, every step of the way.

I can help only those who want to make a change to improve. It takes small baby steps for some and big leaps for others. Who cares how you go about it? I can help you if you want help. Just ask. Many do email me on a daily basis and I welcome questions always. If I cannot answer, I will refer you to someone who can.

I hope you enjoy my simple amazing sugar free treats – a gift from nature. If you have organic garden tips please send them to me via my contact page.

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Paleo Healthy Dried Apricots

Paleo Healthy Dried Apricots

  • Author: Tina Turbin


I have a love for the garden and now I have my own organic garden to satisfy my paleo urges. This year is our first season with our own apricots.


  • Fresh organic apricots cut in half and pitted
  • As many as you want to dehydrate
  • Organic will be sweeter


  1. There is no sugar or preservatives in this recipe.
  2. There are no color agents.
  3. The apricots dehydrated this way will stay nice and bright orange for a number of weeks.
  4. Rinse and dry your apricots.
  5. Cut in half with your fingers and remove pits.
  6. Lay face side down on trays an inch apart.
  7. I use an Excalibur dehydrator.
  8. Space tray a level apart if possible.
  9. Close front flap/door all the way.
  10. Turn on for 8 hours at 105F, and no higher.
  11. Turn over after 8 hours and set timer another 2-6 hours.
  12. Depending on how soft or hard you want your apricots will determine the length of time.
  13. This you will fully understand once you do it.
  14. Open door.
  15. Let cool on racks.
  16. When cool place in sealed containers or jars.
  17. They are beautiful to look at so leave out to see and share.
  18. Enjoy!

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.