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Paleo Dairy Free Ganache

  • Author: Tina Turbin


Oh my ganache, you have got to try this!! As I was sitting in my kitchen at home, pondering about what to make for dessert, the idea of a Paleo Dairy Free Ganache popped into my mind.



1 can coconut milk

½ cup plus 1 tablespoon 100% Valrhone chocolate powder

4 drops stevia

6 heaping drops of chocolate stevia

3 tablespoons honey


  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Pour in a bowl and use as a ganache.
  3. Enjoy!Oh my ganache, you have got to try this!! As I was sitting in my kitchen at home, pondering about what to make for dessert, the idea of a Paleo Dairy Free Ganache popped into my mind.

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Tina Turbin

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