Paleo Crab Cakes

Paleo Crab Cakes

‘Tis the season folks, and the season is not “to be jolly”, but it’s the season to make up some absolutely delicious paleo crab cakes. I have played a bit with these crab cakes to be able to finally say, “I nailed it!” Boy, are they incredible. I made extra and they are wonderful cold as well. So yep, time to think about taking a few to the office or to the gym in a small cooler for after the weights to keep that supply of protein in. We must deliver to those muscles with some downright awesome protein.

Paleo Crab Cakes - 2

Ok, I do not want to beat a dead horse but I’m REALLY into creating quick dishes that taste like the real deal. Let me duly introduce to you the ultimate paleo crab cake in all its glory. It is saying “eat me”. Right?!

This is a perfect time to present seafood to the little ones and better yet to introduce the idea of helping in the kitchen.

I prefer fresh Dungeness crab, as it is sweeter than Alaskan King, but any crab is better than none. You can find canned crab in the seafood department and that is also very acceptable for this dish!

Paleo Crab Cakes 3

I served this paleo recipe up with a spice with some homemade mild chipotle mayo dressing. I hate anything that slightly resembles thousand island as that makes everything taste like sugar and covers up the flavor of seafood. It’s too overused in fried and baked seafood dishes and I feel they should toss it off planet earth for a couple years so people can taste what they are eating!

I played with an original recipe which I found on Remember I made this easy to make. You can make the crab patties up to two a days ahead of time and keep cold in the BACK of your fridge. I am sure you could even freeze them yet I have not tested that yet. Be sure to let me know how yours turn out and I’d love to see pictures too!

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Paleo Crab Cakes featured image

Paleo Crab Cakes

  • Author: Tina Turbin


These paleo crab cakes are delicious and the real deal! You can make the patties up to two days ahead of time and keep cold in the BACK of your fridge if you’d like. They are wonderful served cold as well. Great source of protein and also a perfect way to present seafood to the little ones and better yet to introduce the idea of helping in the kitchen.


  • 1 pound crabmeat
  • ½ cup paleo breadcrumbs (I use Julian’s Paleo Coconut Bread or my own)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning
  • 6 tablespoons grass-fed butter or ghee
  • 1 tablespoon homemade mayonnaise


  1. Place crab and toasted breadcrumbs together in a bowl. Mix.
  2. Add beaten egg, mustard, seasoning, Worcestershire and mayonnaise.
  3. Mix gently. Avoid breaking crab as much as possible.
  4. Form into 8 large or 12 smaller cakes – flatten and make round with hands to be like a hockey puck.
  5. Heat your butter 2 tablespoons at a time. Allow space between cakes. Don’t overcrowd.
  6. Cook until golden brown.
  7. Set on paper towels and cover to keep warm.
  8. Enjoy!

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

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