Paleo Chicken Salad Sandwich with Paprika

Paleo Chicken Salad Sandwich with Paprika

Talk about good for you! Paprika, which originally came from South America is full of amazing nutrients. It actually has nine times more Vitamin C than tomatoes plus tons of antibacterial properties and antioxidants. It’s also a stimulant and good for the cardiovascular system and great for reducing the risk of cancer. Wowee!  Believe me, I was excited to include this super star spice in this delicious paleo chicken salad sandwich of mine!

On top of all of paprika’s amazing health benefits, it adds the right amount of kick to any number of paleo recipes.  Kick things up a notch by adding it to mashed turnips, sprinkling it on top of eggs and bacon, or tossing some in to a soothing tummy tonic.  It just goes to show you how important it is to get a variety of herbs and spices into your diet!

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Paleo Chicken Salad Sandwich with Paprika

  • Author: Tina Turbin


And on top of that, it’s an amazing spice for adding a kick to recipes such as this paleo chicken salad. It just goes to show you how important it is to get a variety of herbs and spices into your diet!


  • Chicken breast halves
  • 1 cup vegenaise mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • ¼ tablespoon cayenne
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil


  1. Char-grill your chicken breast halves quickly and then bake in a 350F oven for about 30-40 minutes.
  2. Chop chicken up into fine or large pieces, according to preference.
  3. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, paprika and cayenne and olive oil.
  4. Mix up and save extra for another meal.
  5. Add more mayonnaise to create your desired consistency.
  6. Serve on gluten-free toast, paleo bread or as a salad.
  7. Enjoy!

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

5 thoughts on “Paleo Chicken Salad Sandwich with Paprika

  1. Pingback: Paleo Chicken Salad Sandwiches | The Best Paleo Recipes

  2. Pingback: Paleo Chicken Salad Veronique | The Best Paleo Recipes

  3. Pingback: Paleo Roast Chicken Salad Sandwiches | The Best Paleo Recipes

  4. Kimberly

    Thanks for the recipe. After tasting it I think it will be featured on my next round-up post 🙂

    1. Tina Turbin Post author

      Hi Kimberly!

      Thanks for stopping by. You’re more than welcome to use this recipe in your next round-up post. Perhaps you can share the post with me once it goes live and I can share it on my end. Thanks again!



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