The brain is quite important and frankly, we only have one so why not have it function at its highest capability? We do so much to strengthen our glutes, arms, back and heal or boost our thyroid, etc. yet many of us forget about one of the most important organs in our body, the almighty brain. Thank goodness the paleo lifestyle offers so many health benefits to the brain!
Paleo isn’t just about diet and exercise it is also about longevity and quality of life. When I say longevity and quality of life I mean QUALITY. I want us to be bouncing around with that skip of energy and without pain and disease. Who the hell wants to live to be 100 or more in daily discomfort or pain?! It can be done and the pain is frankly unnecessary.
I discovered Brain Octane Oil and its benefits and knew it was the thing missing from my daily “ritual”. Once I started using it I shared mine and others’ success with it so more people could learn about it.
I spent ample time on research and there is quite a lot of evidence backing up the information on Brain Octane. The PR Group East-West generously shared an informative press release (below) about my discoveries and successes.
Check out what I discovered and maybe try it yourself. You just may be amazed like the many that have been. You can also check out my book on the topic called How Grains Affect Mental Clarity and Your Brain.
If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com