Most of you know I love helping others and have devoted many years to doing this. One way I do this is by interviewing interesting people on radio or through my website. I enjoy the process of getting to know the person, being involved in the interview and eliciting personal answers, then sharing these details with all of my readers. I am always amazed at the emails I get on the changes these various interviews have made for people over the years. In this interview, How SCD and Paleo Helped Change this Woman’s Life, we tackle some pretty intense details about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Celiac disease, Paleo and the topic of grain and no grains, as well as gluten free.
This time the role was switched. I have had many interviews done on me over the years but usually about Paleo and celiac disease, and years back about the gluten free diet. Well, I was approached by Zack of to answer many questions as well as how I ended up creating after having such a successful Gluten Free website.
Zack told me this about himself, “The Paleo and SCD diets have been life changing for me. My goal is to help others in the transition to grain free diets such as the Paleo, Primal, SCD or GAPS diets. I hope to build a community of support similar to what I wish I had been able to find when I started my own diet journey with SCD and Paleo. Why go through it alone when we can support each other?”
I totally agree. We all need to help one another!
It has been many years and an evolving road to get to where I am today with my website and health. I am really happy to share what I have learned and experienced along the way.
You can check out my latest interview on I hope you enjoy it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com