FREE – DIRTY GENES SUMMIT – January 22-28, 2018

FREE – DIRTY GENES SUMMIT – January 22-28, 2018

The content is too valuable to risk you not being invited.  Do you feel like genetics is a topic best left for scientists, geneticists and professors? The basics of genetics and epigenetics is something we ALL need to start paying attention to, because it’s like having a looking glass into the future – and a lottery ticket to live your BEST life.

Just think of this!  40 experts gathered together to break down precisely what you need to know to optimize your health journey in my upcoming Dirty Genes Summit.This is loaded with practical information that you can apply in your life to bust out of the mindset that you are doomed by your genes. Did you know that your body can turn genes on and off? THE DIRTY GENES SUMMIT IS COMING January 22-28, 2018

And what you do each day has a huge impact on which genes are “tagged” and running on any given day – year – or in a particular situation. Just imagine: Your family history of diabetes, heart disease, mental health problems, or obesity struggles?  They do not need to imprison you (or your children and grandchildren).

So how do you “clean” those dirty genes? From Testing To Food To Cleaning Up Your Genes, This Is Where You Begin. We can get instant online access to ALL of the audio presentations with our experts, including PDF transcripts of all presentations and exclusive bonus gifts!

Day 1: How Do Your Genes Impact You?

Day 2: Clean Your Genes With Food

Day 3: Genes and Your Mental Health

Day 4: Altering Your Genetic Expression

Day 5: The Building Blocks of Healthy Families

Day 6: Understanding How Your Genes Work

Day 7: Genetic Testing and How to Clean Up Your Genes for the Long Term

Join me for the Dirty Genes Summit and let the health and wellness experts I have gathered bring you the most cutting-edge information that allows you to apply simple lifestyle changes to liberate the genetic chains that bind you.

I know this is going to be amazingly valuable and provide you with new and powerful information.

Thank you Dr. Ben! Your research and hard work is invaluable.

We all need to choose the hand you play when it comes to our health and body.
This is where you can really begin to get your own “hat” on and help yourself in ways you’d never imagine

Click here to register for The Dirty Genes Summit.

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

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