Caveman Kitchen – Eat Clean, Play Hard

Caveman Kitchen – Eat Clean, Play Hard

If you are from the US then you may not have heard of biltong. Biltong is a variety of dried, cured meat that originated in Southern Africa. This isn’t to be confused with beef jerky. Biltong is dried and then sliced whereas beef jerky is sliced before drying. Biltong is usually a bit thicker as well. Being that it is just meat with spices, it can be made paleo so you can eat clean, and while you’re at it you may as well play hard too – that’s the Caveman Kitchen motto!

Now, it’s not every day that we usually have the time to make an item like this. Caveman Kitchen takes the work out of paleo biltong for you with their organic, sugar-free biltong. It comes in both original and peri-peri flavors, which are both very good. I can tell their quality of beef is high because the flavor of the meat really shines through and isn’t masked by a bunch of spices or rubs.

This is a great snack for on the go. Filled with protein. While biltong is usually eaten as a snack, it can also be diced up into stews, or added to muffins! If you like beef jerky then you must give biltong a try. Warning though, you probably wont want jerky ever again because biltong is so much more flavorful and wont “stop you up” like beef jerky.

I think this would be a great snack to keep in your car so you last on the drive home from a killer workout without eating your hand from starvation. 🙂 Lucky for those who live in the UK, biltong is available to you for purchase. Unfortunately, all the rest of us in other places just have to be jealous until they get licensed to send some bags on over. Check out Caveman Kitchen:  On a slightly related note, this terrific company also produces a spiralizer product that is absolutely essential for any paleo kitchen.  Read more about it!

Now that you’ve learned a bit more about a unique paleo product, be sure to check out the new and unique products that are being given away right now at my giveaway page!

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

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