Paleo Meal Plans

  wafflesBut, Tina, I don’t have time to go paleo! . . . What the heck can I eat? I’ve heard it all. I can’t help but look back and smile even at myself when I was first trying to get the hang of paleo cooking and paleo baking. It was definitely new territory for me!

Don’t worry. You’re going to be totally fine. Paleo meal plans are ideal for busy people who don’t have a lot of time for food planning or preparation no matter the reason. They’re also a great way to get the idea of the various foods you can eat on the paleo diet. After a few weeks of following structured meal plans, you’ll probably be able to come up with your own meals off the cuff. It can actually get to be a lot of fun! It was for me. For some it will be easier and some a bit more challenging. I think it mostly depend so attitude and how you ate before now or up to now.

veggy plattersYour paleo meal plans will largely depend on your lifestyle. If you want to fast between meals, then obviously you don’t have to worry about paleo snacks. You also don’t have to stick to the traditional three square meals a day, which you may find unnatural to you. So the breakfast, lunch, dinner outline may not appeal to you.

Below you’ll find a sample meal plan to use as a guideline for what to eat.

So here it is, a week in the life of a paleo:


Breakfast: Crustless Quiche
Lunch: Paleo Cilantro Chimichurri
Dinner: Paleo Baked Beef Brisket


Breakfast: Paleo Bread with Dried Fruit and Pecans topped with almond butter (Simply delish!)
Lunch: Paleo Banana Smoothie and leftover Beef Brisket
Dinner: Leftover Crustless Quiche or Beef Brisket


Breakfast: Paleo Golden Pancakes, eggs and bacon
Lunch: Paleo Thai Food Fish Skewers
Dinner: Leftover Fish Skewers!


Breakfast Paleo Mini Bread or Scones with Dried Fruit and Pecans
Lunch: Paleo Chicken Salad Sandwich with Paprika
Dinner: Paleo Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes and Paleo Simple and Fast New Zealand Lamb Chops


Breakfast: Some more of those delicious Paleo Mini Bread or Scones with Dried Fruit and Pecans from Thursday!
Lunch: Paleo Maple Salmon Fillets with a side salad
Dinner: Paleo Chicken Strips in a Salad


Breakfast: Leftover salmon (Yes, for breakfast!)
Lunch: Paleo Waffles and bacon (Hey, why not?)
Dinner: Paleo Beef Ribs


Breakfast: If the Paleo Maple Salmon Fillets are already gobbled up, make some Paleo Zucchini Frittata!
Lunch: Leftover frittata
Dinner: Honey Lemon Chicken


Now you can actually make some of these meals at the start of the week and freeze them, or you can chop up a bunch of veggies and store them in the fridge for easy salads the rest of the week. Leftovers are great way to save money and time. I do this all the time. They often make for great breakfasts! See? There are all sorts of neat paleo cooking tricks. Just as I told you, you’re going to do just fine.

Need some paleo snack ideas during the day? Snack on leftovers or check out my recipes page and my paleo snacks page for ideas!

I hope this page has been helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

Tina Turbin