Many of you have probably heard of and cooked with turmeric before. Personally, I love incorporating it into my family meals, as turmeric benefits are amazing! Not only does the…
Many of you have probably heard of and cooked with turmeric before. Personally, I love incorporating it into my family meals, as turmeric benefits are amazing! Not only does the…
As a woman who leads an active and paleo lifestyle, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to improve my health, and I’m sure all of the ladies here…
Now what about Type II? Well, Type ll makes up a major portion of the cartilage that cushions our very joints. I know so many with osteoarthritis injury or wear…
Hey, ladies! Have you noticed that your skin doesn’t look as bright as it used to? Or maybe you’ve noticed a few wrinkles appear. And maybe your joints are causing…
Some women have been trying Keto frantically before the holidays. Many want to drop some weight so they can afford a few days of the additional holiday carbs and some…
If you’ve chosen to follow a paleo or gluten-free lifestyle, then you’ve probably already thought a lot about what you can do to make your gut healthier. Improving your digestive…
The American Recall Center has proclaimed 2015 the year to Drive Your Health. Here I am at my wonderful site, Paleomazing and I couldn’t agree more! With so many diagnoses…
Both fresh turmeric and turmeric spice are commonly used in the making of curries. In the U.S., turmeric is best known as a spice. It’s one of the main components…
The brain is quite important and frankly, we only have one so why not have it function at its highest capability? We do so much to strengthen our glutes, arms,…
Many are curious as to what the difference is in this highly raved about Brain Octane oil and any high MCT oil. Me too! I feel the difference and ran my…