Allergy Friendly

paleo spinach pizza featured

Paleo Spinach Pizza

Pizza is beyond lovely as we all know and a real tummy pleaser. It can be a bit difficult though if you are following the primal or paleo diet. This…


paleo snow balls featured

Paleo Snow Balls

Christmas is over but it is still winter here in the States. This still means 3 things, possible snow, keeping warm and of course food. Cookies are an important part…


paleo snack bites featured

Paleo Snack Bites

The New Year is upon us and many have made some terrific resolutions as is to be expected. I am now planning to always have some treats ready for grab-and-go…


Easy Shrimp Ceviche Tostadas featured

Easy Shrimp Ceviche Tostadas

We can find numerous versions of ceviche. Some are created with raw fish, some with cooked. The raw versions get “cooked” by the acidity of the other ingredients added to…


chocolate truffles featured

Dairy Free Chocolate Truffles

With the New year coming up I felt these are a perfect addition to any celebration, festivity and holiday. Rossy is full of ideas and occupies every spare second with…


paleo sweet pistachio bacon featured

Paleo Sweet Pistachio Bacon

When it comes to holiday entertaining, you want fresh dishes that are going to make everybody happy. With the day being so busy I feel you will enjoy the ease…


Paleo Almond Muffins with Fruit

I want to thank Allison at for her delicious contribution of her paleo recipe, Paleo Almond Muffins with Fruit. I am very excited about this recipe as one can…
