Walnut Flour Banana Bread

Walnut Flour Banana Bread

It’s not surprising that with the growing amount of paleo treats and paleo baked goods using almond flour, like blanched almond flour, that many people have adverse reactions to almonds these days. A lot of people enjoy the fact that almond flour bakes up quite light and has a neutral flavor. However, you don’t have to just stick with almonds. There are tricks to making other nut flours light and fluffy, but you also have to be appreciative of new flavors and textures.

My new Walnut Flour Banana Bread is a real treat! Plus, it’s perfect for those living an active and clean lifestyle. It took some time perfecting this recipe so that it came out just right. It is a thumbs up by many so I feel very secure and happy to share this with you now.

You may have a hard time finding walnut flour in the store, but that is totally fine. The good news is that walnut meal is easy to buy and can be made into a flour by simply grinding small batches of the walnut meal at a time. Before you start baking your recipe, take your measurements and then sift the “flour” and you will find it fluffs up a bit. I also tend to sift my dry ingredients all together as nut flours have natural oils and tend to stick. This helps to ensure even distribution.

Walnut banana bread 1

I hope you enjoy this very healthy and delightful recipe using the wonderful walnut. It is a nut we do not use as often as a flour per se’, but I feel we definitely should. Be on the lookout for my latest recipes using more varieties of ingredients than you are probably accustomed to. I am on a quest for more of a variety for my family and my own palate and I am always willing to share what I find with you.

I also give you the option to add chopped walnuts to the top, inside the batter or not at all. Try the recipe in whatever way strikes your fancy. As they say, variety is the spice of life. I have to agree!

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Walnut banana bread featured

Walnut Flour Banana Bread

  • Author: Tina Turbin


I hope you enjoy this very healthy and delightful banana bread recipe using the wonderful walnut. It is a nut we do not use as often as a flour per se’, but I feel we should. I also give you the option to add chopped walnuts to the top, inside the batter or not at all. Try the recipe in whatever way strikes your fancy. As they say, variety is the spice of life. I have to agree.


  • 1 cup walnut flour, finely ground
  • 1 tablespoon coconut sugar
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons tapioca flour
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tablespoons date sugar, finely ground
  • 2 very ripe large bananas
  • OPTIONAL TOPPING: ½ cup chopped walnuts


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2. Grease a glass loaf dish.
  3. Using a coffee grinder, grind the walnut flour until it’s very fine and looks like a flour as opposed to a “meal”.
  4. Grind the coconut sugar and chia seeds until super-fine.
  5. Place your walnut flour, coconut sugar, chia seeds, tapioca flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in one bowl.
  6. Mix well.
  7. In another bowl combine the eggs, coconut oil, date sugar and ripe bananas.
  8. Blend all with a hand mixer for about 3-4 minutes.
  9. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet. Do not over mix.
  10. Optional: You may add chopped walnuts into your recipe now if you wish or on top.
  11. Pour into your greased baking dish.
  12. Bake time is 40-45 minutes.
  13. After 25 minutes of baking cover lightly with tin foil.
  14. Remove from oven and let cool on a baking rack for at least 15 minutes.
  15. Enjoy!

From my kitchen to yours,

Tina Turbin

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at Info (at) TinaTurbin (dot) com

About Tina Turbin

I'm a cookbook-collecting, recipe-developing paleo junkie, and I live in the kitchen. I'm hooked on farmers' markets, traveling, eating healthy, and hiking until my legs scream at me. There's nothing better than hanging out with family and good friends. I have fun and sleeping is just plain boring. Read more About Tina Turbin.

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